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One of the main features for making the ground base for toweling, along with vertical and horizontal thread formation, is the looping of the vertical thread which forms the piled shape. A large range of towels supporting various finishes is possible using the three types of thread in a range of combinations.

How do we make piling?

  • Most weaving consists of vertical and horizontal threads. Normal cloth weaving is created by horizontal threading forced into vertical threading.
  • An extra vertical thread is used in toweling weaving. This vertical thread contributes to the main characteristic for toweling where the thread is made into the pile form.
  • In addition to the pile combination, there is the uneven surfaced Mass type where the weaving resembles a bee's nest. (This is also known as waffle weaving as the appearance resembles that of a waffle too.) Along with these, there are also many other combinations where the pile is not used in the weave that looks like a gauze pattern, where gaps in the pattern are left open.
  • Through various combinations, there are many possible appearances and advantages available with towels. Where special suspended type weaving looms are used, multi-layered weaved toweling is also possible.
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